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PA Server Monitor Ultra

PA Server Monitor Ultra has every feature available in the product for the most dynamic and flexible monitoring of your servers, both locally and at remote sites. Take a look below at this rich feature set. If there's anything missing that you just have to have, please contact us and let us know about it.

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Reporting Features

Ad Hoc Reports

Generate reports on the fly to quickly see graphical trends


Branding Reports

Easily brand reports with your company logo at the top


Group Settings

Group summary reports can be specified and controlled in a per-group way. In addition, group reports can be automatically emailed to anyone that needs to keep track of the servers.


HTTP accessible reports

Reports are generated in HTML and accessible from within the PA Server Monitor Console application, or from a web browser



Collect and report on hardware and system inventory of the monitored servers and devices.


Multi-Port Chart

Combines and shows multiple bandwidth charts on an efficient set of one or more graphs.


Password Protection

Password protect web reports in PA Server Monitor


Satellite Status

Quickly see the current status of an individual Satellite Monitoring Service.


Satellite Summaries

Two reports that let you see the status of all of the Satellites at once.


Scheduled Reports

You can create scheduled reports which will get created when you want them, and optionally email the report to a list of recipients. Scheduled report URLs are stable so you can add them to your Favorites list to quickly and easily see the latest results.


Server Status

Easily see at a glance the state of your server along with system statistics


System Activity Log

Quickly see which monitors are running, how long they are taking, which actions are being fired and more.


Standard Report Tabs

View the tabs and information that is common among most report types.


Uptime Reports

Uptime Reports can be run on many different types of data, with summarization at the raw, hourly, daily, weekly and monthly level.


Grp: All Errors Report

The All Errors report show all recent errors on all monitors on all servers/devices within a group. This is a good place to quickly get a detailed view of any problems happening on the network.


Grp: All Servers Report

This report shows all of your servers in a group in a single page. Each server is a small box that is color coded according to the status of the monitors on that server.


Grp: Custom Group

Create custom reports at a group level to show custom HTML, charts, and other status values for the contained servers.


Grp: Group Overview

A compact report that shows high-level server health with detailed monitor types in a column layout.


Grp: Group Summary

See a one line status indicator per server to see at a glance how the servers in your data center are doing. Per-group status reports are also supported.


Grp: Network Map

View all of the servers/devices within a group in a single report, grouping all computers and showing their status.


Grp: Status Map

See a graphical map that contains status indicators that show you at a glance how servers in different geographic regions are doing.


Sys: Config Audit

This report shows you what your current configuration is with your Groups, Servers, Monitors, and Actions.


Sys: Conn. Sessions

See all sessions (Console, Satellite, mobile apps) currently connected to the Central Service.


Sys: Error Audit

Powerful report to look at current and past alert conditions that have been detected by the system.


Sys: Monitor Scope

Displays a summary of what is being monitored on a per-group basis. This would be appropriate to show stake holders to indicate the level of monitoring work being done.


Sys: Monitor Status

A quick table-based overview of current monitor statuses. You can specify a specific monitor type, only monitors in error, etc.


Sys: Statistics

View system statistics such as HTTPS connections and data transferred, numbers of monitors and connected Satellites, etc.


Sys: System Audit

Find out about activities within the monitoring system, such as alert emails sent, user logins, Satellite disconnects, etc.


Sys: User Permissions

This report will display all users defined in the system, what they have access to, and their permissions.



See the Pricing page for more details.

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The tools that PA Server Monitor give me and my team are constantly allowing us to improve and expand our monitoring capabilities.

Sean M., Complete Discovery Source, Inc., USA ionicons-v5-b