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PA File Sight Change History

Updates in 2013
* Fixed sorting in Group Column report * Fix for broken reports based on bad date range parsing * Won't broadcast an error when an update is available * Satellite will work on Windows 2000 (Central Service and Console will not)
* "Satellite Services" button renamed to "Advanced Services" -- more services to come :) * More logging and checks around Fail Over configuration sync * Email error acknowledgement * Richer Error Audit report * Added support for dynamic email lists for the Email Action * Added PowerShell support for Execute Script Action * Execute Script Action can handle huge lists of items now * Added ToLog in Execute Script * Added another index to DevProps table * Added Acknowledged alert category, with [Fixed], [Ack'd] in subject line * Updating Console, Satellite and Fail Over Slave is prompted for upon logging in as an administrator * HTTPS cookies set with Secure flag now * Protections against cross-site scripting added to HTTP/S server * Fix for potential race condition in database transfer * New Alert Reminder feature (under Advanced Services) * Work around for Outlook removing extra line breaks in alert emails * Added monitor-type and action cross-reference sections added to the Configuration Audit report * Computer and Group configuration IDs mirrored into the database for easier data extraction * Added system information to the Console About Box
* Custom Properties can be assigned to groups, computers and monitors, and used in reports or Actions * Acknowledge All errors works with embedded Chromium now * Table of Contents report is resizable * Reduced some internal locking for improved performance * Start/Stop service action can now Pause and Continue services * Time zone fix for some reports * Improved file syncing with the Fail Over slave * Email subject lines encoded with quoted-printable as needed * Not generating SSL certificate for bad hostnames
* External API includes more details in the server info * Chromium embedded browser working for new installs again * Added Live View to File Sight * Added computer status to API_GET_SERVERLIST * Console will show "OK - Update Available" in heart beat when appropriate * Improved report column widths * Improved HTTPS internal stats that determine if the service thinks it's behind
* Scheduled reports can archive a CSV file of the data * Embedded Chromium updated * Quoting service path * Server Status reports update via on-page AJAX rather than page refresh * Fix for some charts generated where the , is a decimal point * Fix for View-Only users not being able to see server status reports * New and improved for PDF generator * Text in report grids can be copied again * All Servers report shows aliased and real computer name * Improved Server Status report rendering * Fix for problem with other Python installations on the server * Added CSV to some Table-only report types * External API can now put groups of servers into and out of maintenance * Added GET_GROUP_LIST to external API
* Fix for non-Latin characters in some reports * Fix for Support & Maintenance not being honored when copied via Copy Computer Configuration * Charts show up for reports when HTTPS is turned off (to just HTTP) * Properly escaping some text in the All Servers report * Fix for embedded Python crash, also upgraded Python to 3.2.4 * Shows for access coming from local machine
* User IP - track the user's IP address and computer name when they access a file * Access Control - control who gets to see what * Fail Over - setup a second Central Service to act as a hot standby with automatic failover (Ultra only) * Chromium-based browser in the Console * Added new Action List * Putting local computer name into CommonName (CN) field of certificate instead of "{app} on {server}" * Console tries to detect and warn about SSL certificate-hostname mismatch errors * Updated to ExtJS 4.1.1 * Setting to disable password export functionality when exporting configurations * Automatically adds server's hostnames to generated SSL certificate * Added missing index for MS SQL Server users
* New HTML5-based charts (instead of Flash-based) * Fix to Syslog Facilities (now correctly Local0 to Local7) * More feedback during database upgrades * Fix for aliases containing single quote * Quicker database updates during upgrades * Better Satellite Down alert title * New ADD_GROUP and DELETE_GROUP External API calls * Individual file activity can be reported separately (via email, Syslog, SNMP Trap, etc) * Fixed Direct Send test button * Object Finder (in Bulk Config, etc) better shows selected nodes * Can start and end maintenance for a group by right-clicking the group * Configuration to turn off links in emailed reports * Mailed reports and PDFs default to not having links * Better diagnostic messages for SSL certificate errors * Added CallURL and SNMP Trap actions * PALowPriorityHelper will wait longer for active requests * Better clean up of file name structures in driver (\Device\Afd from WinHTTP) * Network connection logging * Fixed socket leak in Tunnel * Added ability to alert when a user deletes X files in Y time * Added HttpOnly to session cookies * Fix for Satellites resending data to Central Monitoring Service * Avoiding duplicate database key problem * Very large CSV reports generate quicker * Backup service:port switching enhanced * Fix for reports that filter on owning computer

Updates in 2012
* Optimizations to monitor much heavier loads with less CPU and buffer usage * Increased default buffer sizes to further increase handled load levels * SQL Native Client can be optionally installed during Easy Deploy * Weak SSL encryption ciphers disabled by default * Better chance for driver upgrade to succeed on 64-bit Windows * Increased monitoring efficiency * Console's embedded browser will use latest installed IE version * Satellites initialization delayed a few seconds for server to settle down * Analysis and reporting of heaviest processes and files when File Sight buffers fill * Satellites will only ever clean up their own data in the database * Better ignore list handling * Ignored Users and Programs show at top of lists * File Sight has new 'Max expected records per day' threshold to help validate config * File Sight Central Service will do deletions based on database server time * Menu tabs removed from group reports when creating PDF * Process names collected for Satellites forwarding data * Upgrade is skipped for Satellites if version already matches Central Service * Better SSL error handling in embedded browser * View-only sessions can't acknowledge errors * Write to Log File action will create folder if needed * Fix to ErrorHistory - trims alert text to fit if needed * Satellite IP addresses not shown to non-administrators * Disabled embedded browser's clicking sound when pages refresh * Added 'Computers: Upgrade Monitoring Satellite' Bulk Config option * Escaping XML server list in the External API * If server changes name, or report host settings change, SSL certificate will be regenerated automatically with new names * SSL certificate will regenerate if server name or report URL changes * New Configuration Audit report * Fix to Network Message action * Logging for mismatched SSL certs * Can set local hostname for Console to use * Reduced CPU usage when running reports, and they're faster :) * Database connection problems will be alerted in the service earlier * File system rights issues will be alerted on * Console's embedded IE will treat monitor site as Trusted Site * Fix to Syslog Sender action
* Much better performance (doesn't fall behind under heavy load) * Fix to process name retrieval (was showing DLL names)
* Satellite database settings can be set via Bulk Config * Any records that can't be recorded (database down, etc) are written to a disk queue rather than held in memory * All Satellites Summary report shows database settings and Run As account * Server status acknowledgement setting can be changed without restart * Can set MaxRecords on Satellites via Bulk Config * Upgraded IPWorks for SMTP extra line fix * Decreased PDF generation delay * Set Server Maintenance Bulk Config operation can append or overwrite * Satellites refresh their config after the central service restarts * SNMP Trap action now supports version and community string values * 'sticky' group report type menu * Moved to EXTJS v4.0.7 from v2 * Simplified report CSS * Embedded IE control will use best of IE 8 or IE 9 rendering * File Sight is better at capturing process name for very short-lived processes * File Sight script will report 'File' or 'Directory' in the script variable * When HTTP starts for first time, default port will change to a free port if needed * UTF-8 used instead of ASCII for some internal requests * Better logging for Easy Deploy
* Syslog sender action added * Imports additional credentials from a saved server config * Can lock central service and Satellite services from being stopped * Satellite configuration app can have a password assigned like Console * Change to help with monitoring mounted drives * Improved LDAP group navigation * Satellite registration database regularly backed up with configuration database * Fix for extremely rare name leak in File Sight filter * SMS (SMPP) action can set the Sender Address field * Copy and Paste monitors * Fix for Custom Data Set report with multiple selections * New groups default to parent group's report settings
* New easier to scan alert format * Case insensitive process ignores * Performance boost in the embedded HTTP server * CallURL action added * File Sight can fallback to local storage if MS SQL Server is down * Fix for Reboot action that wasn't getting run

Updates in 2011
* Support for centralized management of Satellite monitored servers
* Remote Console support
* Password protected reports
* High CPU usage caused by DRIVER_CONDITION_VOLUMES_MOUNTED floods mitigated * Database retries will not be attempted if failure is not connection related
* Improved robustness when using MS SQL Server, and the database is unavailable
* Failures as well as successes can now be reported on * Fix for extremely rare startup crash * Fix for regression issue that caused File Sight to not load on Windows 2000 * Fix to HTTP server that could crash on specific malformed input * File Sight will consider truncating a file to 0 bytes as a write * Better email MIME headers * Increased NamedGlobalMap slots * More reliable PDF creation * Number formatting uses system settings * Added Tab Separated Values (.txt) report display type * Decreased volume queries for servers that repeatedly report volume mounts * Added /COMPLETEIMPORT command line * Fixed regression bug that kept directory reads from being reported on

Updates in 2010
* Fix for extremely rare crash where the monitoring service runs out of memory * Scheduled reports and server maintenance can be 'daily' scheduled starting on the current day * Removed unused print CSS * Fix to memory leak if using SSL and many invalid SSL connections are made * Change to Interpret Application Behavior -- will ignore CREATE/DELETE if no data is written in between (often happens BEFORE a save) * Selectable text in the report grids * Fix for resource leak introduced in * Moved to OpenSSL 1.0.0a * Silenced browser error dialogs * Diagnostics for ActiveSync interop issue * SSL change to better support Firefox * Added OpenSSL configuration options, and changed a default * Improvements to embedded HTTPS server * Fix for rare loss of logging when ignoring processes from several monitors
* Busiest process reporter counts reads and writes, not just opens * DTMF dialer handles longer lists of requests * Extensive logging for emailing of reports * Failed Fast I/O followed by successful IRP requests are not marked as failed * Multiple copies of a report sent at the same instant will retain the PDF * Handle renamed computer by automatically renaming configuration * Report date/time range selection keeps 24-hour time format * File Sight will report bad/missing SIDs from the driver * Fix to PDF generation for PDFs that should be archived as well as emailed * File Sight supports monitoring removable (USB) drives * Fix for rare Console crash * HTTP_Max_Serve setting is honored to enable serving large files (often CSV reports)
* Driver will coalesce more read/write requests to cut down on buffer usage * Ignoring some activity at the driver level to further reduce buffer usage * Added a warning about IE 6 * Fix to rare web server startup race condition * File exclusions apply to the destination of a rename * DisableOldFNLookup set for PA File Sight by default * Report index page wasn't showing reports * All seen processes are added to the selectable Ignore Process list * Internal HTTP server handles incoming UTF-8 requests (for Chinese .CSV support) * Cap on max HTML report size to keep from running out of memory (File Sight status reports can potentially get very large) * Fix to File Sight's "Consider 'moves' to the Recycle Bin as deletes" * Fix for reports that can't be re-created after having been cleaned up * Log levels can be changed dynamically, without restarting the service
* Fewer driver buffers needed for specific scenarios * Fix for case where rename/moves that are reported as deletes * Upgraded PDF creation component * Added StatusText variable * Additional logging
* Registry setting to hide Hourly Alert Rate chart * Extra PDF generation logging * .CSV attached to report emails * Some internal settings incorrectly being cached * Less CPU usage * HTML email sender will send if EITHER a PDF or report image file exists * Fix to drive mapping for systems with large numbers of drives * Fix to Direct Send (e-mail action) on MX lookup error

Updates in 2009
* HTTP header changes for .pdf (for help with loading PDF when using SSL) * Email message prioritization (important for shutdown alerts) * If File Sight's buffers are overwhelmed, it will report on the probable process * Images show up better in generated PDF reports * Date/time selection fix when choosing a time within past 24 hours * Change to fix rare Console shutdown error * Changed to SWFObject 2.2 for better Flash compatibility
* "Fix" hint added to driver error message * Extra logging for the SMS action * Less registry usage * Default MaxRecords for File Sight driver set to 20000 * Internal driver changes to make fewer system calls * Moved to SQLite 3.6.19 * Direct email sending added to E-mail action GUI * Installer correctly updating product's .NET-based components * Database memory limits added * Properly suppressing actions when a monitor can't run or in error state * PDF report generation working with SSL self-signed certificates * Security Alert for affected monitoring working again
* Report generation uses a bit less CPU * MaxRecords value isn't overwritten on reinstall/upgrade * Added memory to System Details portion of server status report * Decreasing lock contention * Minor update to the report's data set selection UI * Added /COMPRESS_DATABASES option to Console (does SQLite VACUUM) * Optimized email sending, so shutdown alert works again
* Added GUI setting for no-overwrite-reports for Scheduled Reports * Fix to crash involving Security Alert changes * Fix to race condition-based crash in Server Status report creation * Increase Server Status Report fluidity * Directory creation detected in File Sight * Added Acknowledge 'All for Computer/Device' and 'All Shown Above' buttons on the Server Status Report for Error Auditing
* Large table report redirector page working * A few more usability hints
* Added Microsoft Office temp files to default ignore list * Computer Notes now shown on Server Status report * Reports available in PDF * Run Now on scheduled reports sends emails if so configured * All mailed reports now have a PDF attachment * Scheduled reports can have a PDF version stored in an archive directory automatically * Setting report time frame parameters is easy with new @ notation * File Sight driver uses significantly less memory, which further reduces the monitoring load * Basic File Sight status charts added * Added NTLM authentication support (for Exchange) to Email Action * Updated reports to look better in all browsers * Upgraded to latest SQLite version * File Sight can flag Recycle Bin moves as deletes * Device name logging * Added support for mounted SAN drives, mount points, etc * SSL supported for web-based reports (see Settings -> HTTP Settings) * Server Status report supports error acknowledgement to help with IT workflows * Fix to server going into maintenance mode if a maintenance plan exists when the service starts * Server status report generates and displays much faster * Account SID shown if it can't be mapped to a username * Optional additional I/O stat logging * Fixed a rare crash in Interpret Application Behavior * Warning if System or Network is ignored (miss all activity on shares)
* Important security update for the embedded HTTP server (found out about problem on May 5th, fixed on 6th, confirmation of fix on 7th, deployed on 8th) * File Sight can track files that were opened before it started (that are still open) * Setup can install silently (using the /SILENT switch) * Removed duplicate Create notifications * Checksum algorithm to prevent duplicate entries in the database within a very short time was sometimes failing
* File Sight dataset Changes By User will handle no users being selected * Scheduled reports auto-refresh (in browser) on their refresh cycle * Fix to File Sight read structs to coalesce on the fly if possible (better performance) * Fix to Browser pane to stop showing 'Action Cancelled', and also much better Back functionality * Added Sleep method to Execute Script action * Mailed reports will have a clickable link above the report graphic * New consistent finder UI * New Calculated Status monitor * Fix for occasional red X in emailed reports * File Sight will count unique filenames when calculating number of files read/written by a user * Additional logging, and more error messages have user hints
* CSS fix for IE 6 and ExtJS 2.2 grid headers * Fixed a memory leak in the Console GUI * File Sight User Activity Tracker says how long it took the user to surpass the limit * Settings can now turn default training on and off * Database transfer to MS SQL fix * Date columns in reports now sortable in all locales * Multiple datasets on the same sortable table report supported * Upgrade the old default buffer size of 50K to new default of 100K

Updates in 2008
* Server status report will now show mount points * Status report refreshes as soon as clicked * Fix to handle old 3.4 licenses * Fix when Lite license is used * Event Log notification can specify the source, event ID and category * Monitor nodes show last run time * Improved Startup Wizard
* 64 bit operating system support added * User summarized activity alerts (ex: read more than X files in Y minutes) * Microsoft SQL Server supported as a backend in addition to the current embedded SQLite database * More attractive reports, with customizable report templates and CSS * Better performance, less memory and CPU usage, increased stability with various .NET versions * Using Microsoft's latest driver technology * Report creation is more efficient * Sortable report tables * Moved to SQLite 3.6.4
* Improved support for UTF-8 report emails

Updates in 2007
* Message Box action now works on Vista, and in Terminal Services windows as well * Message Box action uses configurable message text * localhost used for Run Now command rather than computer name * Write to Log File action has configurable max size
* Minor resource leak in the Console has been fixed * Report templates can be customized * Emailed status reports with embedded report graphs show correct graphs * PA File Sight database recording defaults to true * WinHTTP client auto-detects more proxy information from IE settings and handles proxy authentication * Increased SQLite page size for better I/O efficiency * Deleting orphaned SQLite master journal files * Email throughput optimization * Ability to remove HREFs in emailed HTML status reports
* Importing configuration for a server whose name contains the name of the source server works better * Phone Dialer (DTMF/SMS) action will force $Details$ to be a single line of text * Emailing reports works with UTF-8 report files
* Added additional logging for report generation * Change to try and make WMI let go of our DLL on shutdown * Fixed a repaint problem in read-only text boxes * UTF-8 used for HTML reports to better support customers of non-Latin based languages (particularly Asia languages) * WMI polling no longer causes the floppy disk to seek
* Fix in the periodic daily scheduler for monitors with a fixed start time and a small period * Added logging for hosted .NET CLR startup * Alternate technique for finding drives in WMI * Phone Dialer (DTMF/SMS) action will appropriately serialize multiple calls to the phone/modem * PA File Sight fix for particularly slow I/O (coming in from the network) that could get missed * Server maintenance scheduled now copied when importing from a configuration file * Added support for the MachineIP script and message variable * Changed the way .CSV files are attached to mailed reports
* Added SMTPS (SSL-encrypted SMTP) support * Optimized status report creation * Updated to SQLite 3.4.1 * Improved database layer efficiency * Ability to delete multiple reporting data sets at once * Greatly reduced flicker while scrolling and resizing
* PA File Sight has configurable handling for alternate data streams (see File Sight Data Streams ) * More aggressively throttling CPU usage to the target value * Fixed error in scheduled reports UI where no report type is chosen when OK is pressed * PA File Sight can filter on and display amount of data read/written * Application behavior interpretation to override false-positive delete notifications (see File Sight Application Behavior ) * Updated PA File Sight UI * PA File Sight rename alerts show the final filename * Added (experimental) 64-bit File Sight driver to build and install * Added additional SMTP logging * Backup From address added to the Email action * Fixed a bug in File Sight settings persistence * Added Phone Dialer support sending control characters (useful for sending SMS messages via an attached phone) * Added Phone Dialer support for variables (for sending SMS messages via an attached cell phone) * Added the scheduling and delivery of computer and summary status reports
* Added additional controls to monitor and improve internal efficiency * Diagnostics added for graphical report creation * Creating graphical reports is slighly faster and uses less memory * Ensuring the monitor's last run time is accurately saved * Added additional startup logging * Uninstaller behaves better * Optimized the scheduler thread * Activity tracker has been highly optimized * Security message about app starting to match message for app stopping * Monitor result status in log file output changed to be more user friendly * Guarantee no hanging linefeeds in outgoing SMTP messages * Scheduler fix that sometimes prevents auto-maintenance from starting
* File Sight now operates on file name specifications (using * and ?) instead of just file extensions * Automated server maintenance scheduling * Phone Dialer action for sending DTMF/CallerID alerts over the phone system via a regular modem * Dial-Up Connection action for connecting to the Internet so notifications can be sent * Much more flexible scheduling for monitors, maintenance and scheduled reports * Mailing of HTML reports is now supported * Upgraded to SQLite 3.3.13 * Fixed an error with report time frames * The File Change report now handles partial file names and paths * Improved server credential handling and related user hints * MessageBox actions correctly truncate messages too long for the screen * Option to have status reports almost instantly up-to-date (see Settings -> Status Report Settings) * Hardened internal HTTP report server * Ability to set action names for E-mail, Pager and SMS actions * Files and directories read by FileSightSvc.exe and Console.exe are ignored
* Logging SMTP activity for troubleshooting purposes * Fixed the scheduled report dialog that was always selecting the first data set * Fixed a crash in report auto-print if running as Local Service

Updates in 2006
* New branding graphics to match new website * MessageBox action constrained so it doesn't go off screen * Fix for a problem when valid licenses are not recognized
* Scheduled reports moved to a more prominent position. They also now have their own schedules * Numerous minor user interface improvements * Database robustness increased to fix reporting issue * Increased default max threads to 80 * Change to ensure monitors are not starved for a worker thread
* File Sight ignored file list is stored in a database now instead of the registry * Various minor user interface tweaks to make it easier to use for first-time users * Upgraded to SQLite 3.3.7
* First Release - (It's version since that is the product platform it is built on)

I have created numerous monitors to watch processes, backups, important ftp downloads, services and this product is saving me lots of time and effort and letting me know important information almost immediately instead of searching for problems. It has saved me a ton of time managing the network.

Paul Potts, Presbyterian Foundation, USA ionicons-v5-b