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PA File Sight Release Candidate

This page is where you can find our very latest release. Versions that make it to this page are considered solid and candidates for production release, but they haven't finished testing or received enough feedback yet. If we implement a feature or fix for you, we will typically send you to this page to try it out.

Click here if you are looking for the current Production Release.

Download the Release Candidate

Current Release

Version [18 July 2024] is currently in testing.

[.146] * Fix for Central and Satellites not sharing Endpoint lists
[.163] * Improved Endpoint robustness

Updates / Upgrades

PA File Sight can be upgraded by simply installing the latest version on top of your existing installation. Your settings and databases will be upgraded as needed.

You might need to reset the PA File Sight service's Run As account (from Settings or the Windows Services applet), but other than that no further configuration changes will be needed.

I love the new features... Thanks again for a great product!

Adam Andonian, Nexius Inc, USA ionicons-v5-b