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This help page is for version 3.4. The latest available help is for version 9.4.

Server Status Report

The Server Status Report is a quick way to check basic stats on your server. Much of the information on the report is collected via WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). This means that if the server is not a Windows server, some information (CPU, motherboard RAM, etc) can't be determined. You can enable or disabled WMI polling of the server by right clicking on the server and selecting Set Server Type.

Some times WMI is not able to collect the information about the server. Most often this has to do with WMI's security model. We have created a help page to guide you through enabling WMI for remote servers.

Besides basic server information, the Server Status Report also shows the current state of each monitor, recent error actions (if any), and the graphs from any scheduled generated reports. This is a convenient place to look to see what is happening on the server

If you are using a Pro or Lite license, you can also schedule the status reports to be emailed to you. Simply right-click on the server and choose Report Delivery Schedule.

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