Tracking Remote Employees’ Work Hours with Virtual Server Monitoring

With more people working from home due to the COVID-19 crisis, businesses of all sizes need to know when their employees are working. You need an effective way to track working hours and know what your employees are doing while they are working.


One effective way to do this without having to invest in an expensive online time tracking system for employees is by using server monitoring software and file monitoring software. These apps make it easy to see how your employees are spending their time on their computers and what they are doing.


Why Do Remote Employees Need Monitoring?

For starters, you have less control over your remote employees because they are at home. You need an effective way to know that they are working their assigned work hours and being productive. You also want to avoid unnecessary overtime or employees deciding to work outside their normal working hours.


Other reasons you should monitor remote employees include:

Data Security Concerns

Protecting your data is vital no matter where your employees are working. However, data breaches can be easier when hackers attempt to access your data from a remote workstation. Using a file monitoring app like PA File Sight will let you know who is accessing your data, when it is being accessed, and what they are doing to it.

Satisfying Compliance Regulations

Certain types of businesses must adhere to compliance regulations. You must have documentation available that shows your business and employees were following said regulations. In addition, it is a good idea to have accurate records of when employees worked, in case a labor dispute arises about unpaid hours.

What Can I Do with Virtual Server Monitoring Apps?

There are several things you can do with virtual server monitoring apps, although you have to configure the apps to track and record various actions made by your remote employees in order to know when they log in or do other things.


For instance, with PA Server Monitor, you will need to configure the Active Directory Login Monitor. The monitor is simple to configure and a powerful tool to use. All events get written to your internal in-house server database, so you have full access for reporting later. You can even configure the events to send an alert by enabling this feature.


Login Event Categories

You can configure events for various types of logins based on different categories, including:

  • Logon Failed
  • Administrator Logon
  • Logon Succeeded with Various Logon Events
  • Logoff

Security Events

You can track various security events, as well, as when a user account is created, deleted, modified, changed, enabled, disabled, or locked out.

Action Lists

Another thing you can do with PA Server Admin is to create custom Action Lists, which are other great tools to configure and use. Action Lists allow you to create a standard notification pattern for your monitors. Some examples of Action Lists include:

  • After-Hours Notification Lists
  • On-Call Notification Lists
  • Procedures to Run for High Priority Problems
  • Standard Procedures to Run for Specific Problems

Action Lists consist of normal system actions that can be added to any monitor. All that is required is to add the actions you want to occur when a particular event takes place.


You can also “schedule” when you want the actions in your Action Lists to run. For instance, with After-Hours notification lists, you could schedule to have these run outside your normal business hours.


Your After-Hours notification lists could also be used to track when employees are logging on and logging off outside normal business hours. You could even enable an alert on the monitor when this occurs so you will know right away when employees are logging on outside their normal working hours.

Power Admin Provides Virtual Server Monitoring

To learn more about virtual server monitoring and file monitoring software for your business, please feel free to contact Power Admin at 1-800-401-2339 today! We offer a free, no-obligation, 30-day full-access trial to our applications.




