Kansas City Royals

67% of the U.S. Rooting for Kansas City Royals

No, the map below has nothing to do with politics. Or unemployment. Or scary viruses.

A whopping 67% of the country is rooting for the Kansas City Royals…as shown below! And why not? They have a lot of things going for them.

  • An amazing fan base.
  • A team of young players that love baseball.
  • They have one of the lowest team salaries in all of the Major League.
  • They represent an amazing city. One that has been making Top 10 lists like crazy this year.
  • They are, by almost all expert analysis, the underdog team.
  • They (George Brett specifically) was the inspiration for a recent song by Lorde that topped the charts.
  • And they haven’t been in post-season play for 29 years.
  • 27 more reasons America loves the Royals!

ESPN poll 1

And just as a side note, as a unanimous vote by the KCMO city council, Kansas City has temporarily renamed Baltimore Ave. to Royal Ave through the playoffs.

Is it possible we could see a repeat of the I-70 series in ’85?

Many of us here at Power Admin are originally from the KC area, and have been lifelong fans.

We say “GO ROYALS!

William Thompson is the Marketing Manager at Power Admin, a server monitoring software business in the Kansas City area. You can find him on Google+ and Twitter. William has been a professional in website design, digital marketing and 3D/graphic design for over 20 years.




