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This help page is for version 6.2. The latest available help is for version 9.4.

File Locations

PA Storage Monitor stores a variety of files under the product directory. This will explain what and where they are.

C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor
Product executable and DLL files
C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\CA
Self-signed SSL certificate files
C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Config
Database containing computer, monitor, action, and report configuration. A Backup directory below this contains periodic exports of the configuration which you can use to go back to a previous point if needed. The backups do not contain password information.
C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Databases
Database files which hold monitor findings as well as some system management data. If you choose to use MS SQL Server instead of the embedded database, only a few system management database files will exist here. This directory is configurable via Database Settings.
C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Install
The PA Storage Monitor installer will copy itself here, along with a few files to help Satellites upgrade themselves. When you download the Console installer from the product's main report page, it comes from this directory.
C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Logs
Default location for internal product log files. This can be changed in Global Settings.
C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Maps
The Visual Status Map report pulls initial maps graphics during configuration from this folder. You can add your own map graphics here if you wish.
C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Reports
All reports are generated and stored in this directory. The Shared directory contains files used by all reports. You can delete this directory and everything will be recreated as needed. This directory is configurable via Report Settings.

PA Storage Monitor

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