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How to monitor Internet Information Services (IIS)

Listed below are some of the recommendations for monitoring the Internet Information Services (IIS) counters and services.


Watch the training video How to monitor Internet Information Services (IIS).

IIS Services

Monitoring services is very important in case of business critical applications and IIS is one of those critical services that should be monitored. An IIS failure can be the root cause for other applications failing and the cause of many hours looking in log files for the cause of the failures. Below are three important IIS services that should be monitored.

Services to Monitor

ServicesService Name
Application Host Helper ServiceAppHostSvc
Windows Process Activation Service*WAS
World Wide Web Publishing ServiceW3SVC

* The Windows Process Activation Service also has some Event IDs that should be monitored as well. The Event Source for the following Event IDs is the Microsoft-Windows-WAS log file. The Event Log Monitor is ideal for this task.

IIS Counters

Internet Information Services (IIS) has many counters that can be monitored on a running. Each of the following counters below are counters that are recommended to be monitored for the performance of your IIS process.

Performance Counters to Watch

Object\CounterDefault Threshold
Memory\Pages/sec0 - 20
Memory\Available Bytes10% of physical memory
Memory\Committed Bytes75% of physical memory
Memory\PoolNonpaged Bytes A steady value. (A slow rise might indicate a memory leak.)
Processor\% Processor Time< 75%
Processor\System Processor Queue Length< 2
LogicalDisk\% Disk TimeAs low as possible
LogicalDisk\Avg. Disk Queue Length< 2
LogicalDisk\Avg. Disk Bytes/TransferAs high as possible
Web Service\Bytes Total/secAs high as possible
Active Server Pages\Request Wait TimeAs low as possible
Active Server Pages\Requests QueuedAs low as possible
Active Server Pages\Transactions/secAs high as possible**

Counter Notes:
** ASP transactions degrade overall server performance because each transaction requires interaction with a database. If you are concerned about server performance, use ASP transactions sparingly.


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