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This help page is for version 9.3. The latest available help is for version 9.4.

Importing and Exporting Configurations

PA Storage Monitor supports a simple and effective way to transfer your complex monitoring configuration from one installation of the product to another. This is what exporting and importing configurations does.

Exporting saves PA Storage Monitor configuration data to a XML formatted file. Importing is loading the PA Storage Monitor XML file in and restoring the configuration.

Exporting Complete Configuration

To get started, select the following menu setting:

Config Export All

The next dialog that you will see will ask you if you would like to export any server passwords that were entered previously:

Config Export Creds

The credentials will be decrypted and visible as plain text in the output file, so you may wish to answer "No" to this prompt.

A standard "File Save" Windows dialog will let you choose a file name, and a location to save the configuration file at. When you export a Complete Configuration, the default file name will be PA Storage Monitor App Configuration.axml.

Importing Complete Configuration

Importing a saved PA Storage Monitor configuration from file is a simple process. Note: Importing a complete configuration will erase all existing settings. This is an overwrite operation, not a merge.

Use the following menu selection to choose Import Complete Configuration:

Config Import All

The first prompt that you will see will be a message box indicating that you are about to erase all configured settings in the current instance of PA Storage Monitor and replace them with the contents of the configuration file.

Config Import All Confirm

If you answered "Yes" to the question above you will see the standard File Open dialog to select a .axml file that you saved to previously.

At the end of the import, you should see the list of servers restored to the Navigation Pane. A message box will appear at the end of the import process indicating the success of the operation, as well as any monitors or actions that could not be restored.

Exporting Individual Server Configuration

You may export the settings (monitors and actions) that are associated with an individual computer. This operation is very similar to that of exporting the complete configuration of this product as shown above.

The menu item that selects the export server operation is accessed by right clicking a server or device whose configuration you wish to export. The menu appears as follows.

Config Export CPU

The series of dialog boxes and the options that appear is similar to that shown above for exporting a complete PA Storage Monitor configuration.

Importing Individual Server Configuration

You may import the settings (monitors and actions) that are associated with an individual computer. The Import Server operation assumes that they exist already from a previous export operation.

Config Import CPU

This operation is identical to that of importing the complete configuration of this product as shown above, with the following exception. An import of a server configuration must be applied to an existing computer object that you have already created in PA Storage Monitor.

PA Storage Monitor

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