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This help page is for version 9.3. The latest available help is for version 9.4.

Custom Properties

Custom Properties are name-value pairs that can be set on a Satellite, Group, Computer/Device or Monitor. Custom properties can be used in:

Many Monitors
An Execute Script monitor can read a Custom Property and make decisions based on it's value. See below for more examples.
Some Actions
Custom Properties can be used in email templates.
Dynamic Groups
Dynamic Groups, based on Dynamic Server Lists can be based on Custom Properties.
Some reports, such as the Error Audit Report, can use Custom Properties as a way to select which items to report on.
External API
The External API can get and set Customer Properties on servers/devices (see the SET_SERVER_PROP and GET_SERVER_PROP functions).

Custom Properties are set in the Console by right-clicking a Group, Computer or Monitor and choosing Custom Properties.

The above example shows Custom Properties on a Computer. AUDIT_FOLDER, MAIN_DRIVE and USER_FOLDER are all defined on the Computer. GROUP is defined at a higher level and is inherited by this Computer. If this Computer also had a value named GROUP defined, the Computer's value would be used (in other words, the closest definition of Property value is used).

Custom Properties can be accessed via the CustomProperty and SetComputerCustomProp in Execute Script monitors and Execute Script actions. They can also be set via the External API via the SET_SERVER_PROP and GET_SERVER_PROP functions.

Custom Properties can be used in message templates via the $CustomProp(property_name)$ replacement variable.

Pre-Defined Custom Properties

The below list of Custom Properties have specific meaning to the system, which you can take advantage of.

When a global error happens, such as a database error, a red error banner is shown across the top of group-level reports. If this property is set, the value of the property will be shown in the red error banner. Note that real error messages will preempt the showing of this property's value. Clear the property to stop showing the the property's value in the error banner.

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